Saturday 26 July 2014

#265 Fifty Shades of Lady Catherine Grey (2013)

Author: T.S. Wiseman
Title: Fifty Shades of Lady Catherine Grey: The sex scandals that shook the Tudor court
Genre: History(ish!)
Year: 2013
Pages: 40
Origin: read on the Kindle
Nod Rating: 1 nod out of 5

As can be instantly deduced from the title of this book, Wiseman's book is a shameless cash-in on a current “literary” fad that isn’t about much at all. The Worm spent ninety-nine pence in the hope that it would add a few interesting perspectives into the scandals that troubled the Tudor court in the sixteenth century. However, all he got in return was a dull read that added nothing new to his own knowledge.

This is all with great regret, because Catherine Grey – as do her two sisters – has a fascinating history that provides a deeply rich subplot to the main Tudor queens, Mary and Elizabeth. However, it appears that T.S. Wiseman saw fit to gloss over most of the good stuff. It is with further regret that this author has put out more material on this period of his history. If the Kindle brought about a revolution in the publication of ideas from authors all over the world, this kind of book is the shoddy distaste that we have to accept along with the good.

Yes, and the Worm is still bitter about his ninety-nine pence. Wasted! Squandered! Never to be seen again!