Saturday 8 June 2013

#212 Marvel's Iron Man 3 Prelude (2013)

Authors: Will Pilgrim, Christos Gage, Ramon Rasonos
Title: Marvel’s Iron Man 3 Prelude
Genre: Graphic Novel
Year: 2013
Pages: 120
Origin: read online during April 2013
Nod Rating: 1 nod out of 5

Marvel has become a behemoth of the cinema in recent years, earning mega-bucks in theatres across the world through their films. The Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, and Thor have changed the way that Hollywood views their “franchise” strategy – for good or for bad.

For good or bad – or shall we say, simply poor – comics have also added a new string to their bow: the tie-in graphic novel. Marvel’s intention is a simple one: continue adding to the adventures seen on screen. The Worm applauds the attempt to fill in the void that the movies are unable to cover, similar to the various novels/graphic novels of the Star Trek universe. The hope is that something greater can emerge that will delight and thrill keen fans.

However, when handled in such blasé fashion, the final product can be underwhelming and close to infuriating. In this particular comic, the awkwardly titled Marvel’s Iron Man 3 Prelude, the reader isn’t given any real meat on what will happen in the future movie. Rather than chart the exploits of Tony Stark/Iron Man, the reader is treated – or is that subjected to – the dull adventures of his wing-man, Rhodey/Iron Patriot. It is a wasted chance to help create a universe full of wonder, with the Worm left reading each page with a grimace, letting out a dull groan every once in a while. Only the most die-hard of fans will find this read of any interest.

All of which makes this book pointless and a waste of time. Unfortunately, the Worm has been suckered in before (with another “Prelude”, Fury's Big Week, which earned 1 pitiful nod) – and by extension, you also have been suckered in again (assuming that is, you have read both reviews). Therefore, the Worm makes a vow right now: he will not return to these cash-in tie-ins of comic book movies. The udders will forever be milked by Hollywood; it is up to the Worm to wise up, smell the coffee, and move on to better reads.

Buy it here if you dare!